Nutritional Info

Boneless Brst212130490SmNature's IQ Chicken is being produced and sold to give consumers the healthiest and best tasting chicken available. After years of research and testing we have determined the finest feed profile for our chickens. This profile helps balance the serious lack of Omega-3 essential fatty acids, versus the overabundance of Omega-6 in most chicken and poultry today. Over the last decade or so, chickens have been fed predominantly corn, which is high in Omega-6, but has relatively no Omega-3. It is a feed that is relatively plentiful and affordable, but it does not mirror in content and/or variety what poultry eat naturally and historically and it does not provide the best nutrition for either chickens or ourselves.

Please review the tests, charts and information we have assembled in the following pages. We're confident that you'll agree that Nature's IQ Chicken is your best choice for your health and we know you'll enjoy its great taste.




Omega-3 Benefits

Benefits & Features IQ Chicken

Good & Bad Fats - Nutritional Charts